POTCO Players Wiki

Capt. Skull X Capt. Skull X 24 October 2021

The Adventures of Capt. Skull X 2, Confirmed

Its official! The long awaited sequel to one of the many popular POTCO fan stories is finally under development! My return to the TLOPO community has filled my mind up with plenty of creative and fun stories that have to be told. Follow Capt. Skull X on his new quest take place 10 years after the events set in the original Adventures of Cap. Skull X story. More details to come out soon! Stay posted and let me know if you want your character to be involved and I can try to write them in!

You can also get ahold of me on discord, username: "freeman4262"

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Lord Andrew Mallace Lord Andrew Mallace 12 August 2021

Hail and Farewell, Friends.

Hail and Farewell, Friends. A few words from our staff team as the Final generation comes to a close, we we end the Wiki.

  • 1 From Nults McKagan, Administrator
  • 2 From Johnny Goldtimbers, Administrator
  • 3 From Benthamic, Administrator:
  • 4 From Ned Edgewalker, Administrator:
  • 5 From the Desk of the President of the POTCO Players Wiki, Andrew Mallace

It's no secret the GFW has basically been gone for a couple years now. I accepted that the end arrived a long time ago, but seeing our mostly-inactive discord channel finally being erased still fills me with a sense of bittersweet nostalgia. I spent a great deal of my teenage years on the GFW/PPW playing POTCO, Minecraft, and everything else we all liked to play together. When I first joined the wiki in 2011, I …

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ITVdude2000 ITVdude2000 25 July 2020

Wait, why has the wiki name changed?

Just noticed it now.

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Lord Andrew Mallace Lord Andrew Mallace 24 May 2020

Community Vote: The Future of the Wiki

Copied from the "Dissolution of the SSC and Granting of Eternal Presidency" thread here:


I have long held democracy a sacrocant privilege to the people of the Gamers Fanon Wiki ever since I reluctantly took office as your President in September of 2016. It is with great pleasure that I announce the next evolution of that democracy. The people have willed for this bureaucratic board, formed as a ploy of the BNO, to end it's reign of backstopping, slow progress, and nepotism it has had over our wiki for ages.

Democracy will continue under the new "imperial" wiki move, but admins, rollbacks and all staff members will remain just as important in fulfilling a critical role by keeping our historical wiki clean, accurate, and available for…

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Lord Andrew Mallace Lord Andrew Mallace 8 May 2020

Executive Order 66

Friends, colleagues, future leaders, and obedient citizens;

Long have we waited. There has been an awakening. Have you felt it? It's new colors!

In light of a great conversation I had tonight with my admin team and Deputy Grand Vizier Ned Edgewalker, CEO of TOAB Security, a subsidiary of TOAB, Inc. in learning that our good friends from a far have found a potential new home, we are moving forward with long overdue renovations to the wiki! Leading this charge is former President G-man, who now serves as the Imperial Executive. He will be trying out new scripts and visual changes to the wiki as we move into our next phasen- eternity! Let us honor the WORK of our users for the DECADE we have existed and PLEDGE to PROTECT what comes next!

Please s…

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ZoomerStrife ZoomerStrife 18 April 2020

If I Imagined You As A Breaking Bad Universe Character

if i 'magined you as a breaking bad/best contact saul/the path character

  • 1 Ned Edgewalker - James Morgan "Jimmy" McGill/Saul Goodman
  • 2 Jeremiah Garland - Michael "Mike" Ehrmantraut
  • 3 Nults McKagan - Kimberly Wexler
  • 4 Emmanuel Drodd - Gustavo Fring
  • 5 Samuel Darkwalker - 1998 Suzuki Esteem
  • 6 David McMartin - Eduardo "Lalo" Salamanca
  • 7 Marc Warfury - Alberto "Tuco" Salamanca
  • 8 Benthamic - Freddy
  • 9 Rose Beckett - 2004 Pontiac Aztek
  • 10 Storm Surname - Marco and Leonel Salamanca
  • 11 Squirto19 - Irene Landry

neds a funny dude, like he makes you laugh also he get into zany antics like cause brother's death or smuggle cartel money

he old and mean, also he really cool ig and work for potion lord me! high unarmed skill

great guy/girl/individual. like to help people but as the s…

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Sharple Sharple 1 April 2020

Olexcraft Official Opening

It has come to my attention the great demand to bring back Olexcraft. It's been a while since I've done any server development but here I am finally finished after 5 years. Over these past 5 years, I've struggled in real life and questioning what'll I'll be doing for the next 5 years. However so, with the launch of Olexcraft 5.0, I will finally be getting this off of my bucket list.

Today is no April's fools shenanigans, I am planning to release Olexcraft as soon as I get on Wikicraft.

Yes, that's right. Pls join my group on wikicraft.

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PurpleUmbra PurpleUmbra 16 March 2020


Hello, Gamers Fanon Wiki! :)))

I found your wiki because I like to write fanon, roleplay, and specifically about video games. :P

So I thought I'd just say hi. I haven't really used Fandom in ages. I forgot all my info to my account from back when it was called Wikia.

Anyways, thought I'd just say hi. Looking forward to writing some stuff, here! I always liked Dark Souls, Red Dead Redemption, Sly Cooper, Bloodborne, and Assassin's Creed.

PurpleUmbra (talk) 21:40, March 16, 2020 (UTC)

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Sharple Sharple 5 March 2020



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Lord Andrew Mallace Lord Andrew Mallace 19 January 2020

2020 Wiki Presidential Address

January 18, 2020

My fellow Wikians,

2019 was a year of-

We are still here, somehow. I am still here, somehow. We are approaching 10 years of existence! The Committee for the Preservation of True Leadership that in no way exists is not at all definitely excited for 2020 and what is to come!

New faces and old!

Thanks for being you. Get out there and make a difference. Still can't believe you're still here. Nor myself. 


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Marc Warfury Marc Warfury 2 January 2020

If i imagined you as a The Mandalorian character

  • 1 Nults Mckagan - The Mandalorian
  • 2 Marc Warfury - Baby Yoda
  • 3 Waglington - Kuiil
  • 4 Samuel Darkwalker - IG-88
  • 5 Jeremiah Garland - Moff Gideon
  • 6 Ned Edgewalker - Greef Karga
  • 7 Zoomer - Mayfeld

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Captain Ned Edgewalker Captain Ned Edgewalker 18 December 2019

My Favourite Movies of 2019

Alright, hello.

Working at a movie theatre has its' upsides, the main one being free movies at my leisure (especially now that i'm a M A N A G E R with a super duper special free movie card). While I should have expected it in the beginning, working for Cineplex has dramatically deepened my love for cinema in many various ways.

So, for funsies, here's my three favourite movies that I've seen in 2019 along with a lil paragraph or two about why I loved the movie. All three of these movies can only be defined as excellent and could easily be classified as my number one favourite for the year, however since I'm a nerd and like ranking stuff that's how imma do it.

This blog is gonna be completely spoiler-free.

Martin Scorsese returns to form in the …

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Lord Andrew Mallace Lord Andrew Mallace 7 July 2019

Executive Order 35: Promotions of Nults McKagan and Johnny Goldtimbers


We do not have a policy that states exactly the limits of Presidential / Vice Presidential power, and for a long time we've just  kind of gone with it. Regardless, "temporary" promotions have always been within bounds to bypass the SSC. Johnny Goldtimbers has served faithfully as an admin for the past year and I am also promoting Nults McKagan for his continued efforts on the wiki and to establish a baseline for our less-than-big community leadership. I've been considering thet right path for a while now and i've settled on this.

So he is now an admin and can do things that will fix things.  I will be speaking with Wag about putting out an official SSC request that clearly states the powers and limits of what a President / Vice Presi…

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Captain Ned Edgewalker Captain Ned Edgewalker 6 May 2019

2019 Wiki Olympics

See Also: Wiki Olympics - 2018 Wiki Olympics

Alright, hello! Ladies and gents, wikians of all ages, after much anticipation, preparation and excitement on my part, the time has (almost) finally come. Who will win it all this year? Can the beast known only as El Underdog (how can he be an underdog when he keeps fuckin winning?) be stopped? Will his streak die?

Welcome to the 2019 Wiki Olympics. In this competition, there are a total of seven different events held on four different games. This includes our two new events, Spleef and Secret Hitler.

To refresh everyone or to introduce our newcomers to how the standings work, here is a quick explanation: Gold medal is worth three points, Silver is worth two and Bronze is worth one and any finish b…

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Johnny Goldtimbers Johnny Goldtimbers 2 November 2012

Lord Governor of the East India Company Election

  • 1 Rules for Candidates
  • 2 Candidates
    • 2.1 Maxamillion
    • 2.2 Blake
    • 2.3 William Brawlmartin
    • 2.4 Richard Sternsilver
    • 2.5 Jason Shiprat

  • Must of served in the EITC some part of their life.
  • Must be a Loyal to the British Crown of Empire.
  • Must have pants... o_o
  • Must own Land.
  • Must have Military experience
  • All must of worn a wig in some part of their life.
  • Must have held a rank higher than Lt. during their time or present time in service.
  • Must remain in the Main British Guild and cannot be associated with Elite Co. Marines, or any other Rebel guilds.
  • Must have served at least 10 months in the EITC/British Military
  • Candidates must nominate themselves to run.
  • Must prepare a blog to talk about their wishes, plans, reforms, ideas, etc, etc explaining why they choose to run, why …

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JackDarksteel JackDarksteel 21 May 2014

POTCO RP War Casualties summary

So, I've decided to make a cool little evaluation of all the POTCO RP wars and the death tolls that they brought to the game. (Please note, this is RP, and this is just my take on it. These numbers may not be 100% accurate. Please don't freak out. However, feel free to give positive input!)

Wars are listed in chronological order.

  • The Co. Wars/Co Empire, (1679 ~ 1690) ~ 750,000
  • First Spanish Revolution, (1697 ~ 1701) ~ 120,000
  • Leonic Wars, (1707 ~ 1721) ~ 1,200,000 
  • The Delta Wars, (1727 ~ 1729) ~ 600,000
  • The Paradoxian War, (1739 ~ 1745) ~ 5,200,000
  • The Post~Paradoxian War, (1745 ~ 1746) ~ 900,000
  • The Third War of French secession, (1746) ~ 400,000

Feel free to add your own take on any other wars, or sophisticated and fact~backed disputes to my cur…

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Captain Ned Edgewalker Captain Ned Edgewalker 10 March 2019

Happy Birthday, GFW

I know this doesn’t really have the same impact that a presidential address about this topic has, but I have some things that I need to say on this day, the 9th anniversary of our beloved wiki’s foundation.

Every now and then a blog like this comes out from a member of our community, and I’m still trying to figure this out. How do you express gratitude for this place without coming across as over-the-top or cringe-inducing or just asking to be made a giant meme out of? If you figure out a way, let me know. But in the meantime, I’ll just write.

This November, I’ll have been a part of this community for eight years. Many shitty attempts to leave later, and I’m still here. I know that may of you may find it ridiculous at this point to hear me t…

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G-man. G-man. 5 February 2019



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Lord Andrew Mallace Lord Andrew Mallace 13 January 2019

2019 Wiki Presidential Address

My fellow Wikians,

The year 2019, roleplay year 1752 for those still keeping up, is here. This coming March will mark the 9th year of our existence. The fact that we are still here boggles both my own mind and those of several people, likely including the UGW, the Pirates Forums, and Currycoo himself. The game is long shutdown and TLOPO is but a distant memory for most of us. We've played different games together along the way, most prominently Minecraft, on which our dear Wiki Historian continues to host a dedicated server to all of our wikians (with exceptions). Regardless of what game we play, our base sticks together and continues to embrace the camaraderie all these years later. 

Our timestamp currently reads: "Gamers Fanon Wiki was fou…

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Captain Ned Edgewalker Captain Ned Edgewalker 23 November 2018

If I Imagined You as an Alex Jones



  • 1 WaglingtonŒ
  • 2 Squirto19
  • 3 G-man.
  • 4 Lord Andrew Mallace
  • 5 Nults McKagan
  • 6 Johnny Goldtimbers
  • 7 Albert Spark
  • 8 Me
  • 9 Marc Warfury
  • 10 Sam Darkwalker

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Captain Ned Edgewalker Captain Ned Edgewalker 4 November 2018

Game Review: Red Dead Redemption 2

It's been a while since I've done one of these. I know reviews for this game are all over the place, and up front, this is just going to reinforce everything you've heard. This review is entirely spoiler free.

I'm going to preface everything by saying, if you've ever stumbled upon my far too frequently edited userpage, you may have noticed that Red Dead Redemption is one of my favourite games of all-time. So I had very, very high expectations for this game.

That being said, Red Dead Redemption 2 is not only better than Red Dead Redemption, it's arguably the greatest game I have ever played. Rockstar has created one of the most beautiful, entertaining, consistently fun games of all-time. When arguing for video games' place among other arts, p…

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Squirto19 Squirto19 21 September 2018

Community Vote: Removal of the ISP

Copy pasted from this thread:

"This wiki has changed so much since its creation back in 2010, it's changed so much from how it was back in 2013. We've changed as a community, from new faces to just overall growth as individual people. So why should we continue to stick with policies that defined a completely different wiki and community?

The ISP was put in place to keep the staff of the wiki as active as possible within the community. A need which almost immediately passed as soon as content began to slow down and POTCO drama began to leave our doorstep. Some of the current staff may not satisfy the edit requirements of 5 years ago, but they still contribute to the wiki when they can. While also remaining a very active part of the community,…

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GameReviewsSteam GameReviewsSteam 17 September 2018

Game Review: Mount & Blade 1

Hello, this is a review this is going to be of Mount & Blade for the PC now to tell you the truth I wouldn't have known about this game if it weren't for Steam and for some videos on YouTube that's all of it and I'm really into medieval stuff so I figured why not check it out so I download the demo and found out that is freaking awesome this game is a role-playing game but with a really solid combat system and plenty of stuff to do interestingly enough the game starts up and comes up with a splash screen which I'd expect but it tells you to select a module now that the game only comes with one it's entitled native and that's what I'm playing here but the game has so easily modded that I've seen mods that do Star Wars, Wild West, Napoleoni…

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GameReviewsSteam GameReviewsSteam 15 September 2018

Game Review: Hitman: Absolution

Hitman Absolution

Hello everybody in this review we will take a look at Hitman: Absolution for PC, Xbox and PlayStation.

This is the fifth game in the Hitman series and the first one be published under Square Enix it was developed by IO Interactive and released in November of 2012 and it's kind of interesting because it was considered a betrayal by pretty much all of the hardcore Hitman fans and when I first saw it I looked at it and went why could they do this because they decided to make it a very different game from the previous releases which is kind of a shame because Hitman: Blood Money was an absolutely fantastic well polished game






Just kidding, Its just this wildly different direction so is the fan ba…

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GameReviewsSteam GameReviewsSteam 14 September 2018

New to the wiki

Hello everyone I do reviews about steam games but I will eventually do reviews about old CD ROM games from the glory days as well.

Was searching the interwebs and found this wiki and liked what I saw.

Here is a list of games I will eventually try do reviews on: 

  • Team Fortress 2
  • Killing Floor 2
  • Left 4 Dead 2
  • Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead
  • Warframe
  • Killing Floor
  • The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
  • Dirty Bomb
  • Terraria
  • 7 Days to Die
  • Fallout 4
  • Fallout: New Vegas
  • PAYDAY 2
  • Subnautica
  • Starbound
  • ARK: Survival Evolved
  • Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
  • Trespasser
  • Jurassic Park: The Game
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  • Guns of Icarus Online
  • Total War Series
  • Garry's Mod
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • Sid Meier's Civilization V
  • Rust
  • Stardew Valley
  • Primal Carnage: Extinction
  • Borderlands
  • Borderlands 2
  • Metro: …

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Marc Warfury Marc Warfury 7 September 2018


For too long the people of the Royal Black Guard have been bullied by the obnoxious HM Cabinet of Britain. It is time for vengeance. You will regret the day you tried to slander our Guildmaster. The guild is rebuilding itself as we speak. And as for Spain, when Pearson returns to TLOPO to reclaim his crown, you will all submit to his wrath and beg for mercy. Long live King Phillipe of Spain!

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Squirto19 Squirto19 5 September 2018

Community Vote: Bureaucrat Demotions

For some time now, G-man has been allowed to hold Bureaucrat powers on two separate accounts since his resignation, those accounts being The Butcher of Stilwater and G-mot.. Early this morning G-man used the G-mot. account to unban a permanently banned user's sockpuppet in what Gio has said was "a drill to test our preparedness". The administration has decided it would be in the wiki's best interest to have G-mot. and The Butcher of Stilwater demoted from Bureaucrat. The request will be sent to Fandom Staff to handle the demotion if a majority of Support is reached.

  1. Squirto19
  2. Captain Ned Edgewalker
  3. Nults McKagan
  4. WaglingtonŒ
  5. Nate Crestbreaker
  6. LawIronhawk

  1. Marc Warfury
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Dentface Dentface 18 August 2018

I'm Squirt.

This is the story of Squirt. I'm Squirt.

More coming soon.

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Jack Goldwrecker. Jack Goldwrecker. 24 June 2018

A Very Confusing Welcome... Can Someone Fill Me In?

For now, at least.

I joined the Discord Server (I assume that replaced the chat?) and it said something like "#authentication" and, just so you know, I have no idea how Discord works. Neither do I have any clue about how this wiki functions any more, seeing as I've been gone for, what, five years? Lots have probably changed. So please, bear (bare?) with me while I reintegrate.

Let's get to my question... upon joining the Discord (under the name "JosefStalin") I was greated with a "who are you?"... upon giving user Just_Squirto my name (I, Jack Goldwrecker) he said "wait"...  and blocked me.

So... is there something I did wrong? Something I'm missing, maybe? Is there some fatwah against me, maybe a papal bull? Something?

Anyways, I'd appreciate…

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Lord Andrew Mallace Lord Andrew Mallace 15 June 2018

Community Vote: Unban Request - Will Greasescarlett

As per our rules, Unban requests must be passed through a community vote. As much as I'd like to just use my mighty executive power... it aint gon be like dat. Should this pass, User:Will Greasescarlett will be unbanned on the grounds that he is now over 13 and per Wikia's TOU, is allowed to be here. Happy Voting.

Copy pasted from Ned Edgewalker's SSC post:

"It's time. Even if he was 7, it's been 6 years and he's 13 now. He can be unbanned. This has to happen, you all know it."

Long live democracy. Voting will end in 5 days or when it reaches 10 supports.

Hail the GFW,

  1. Lord Andrew Mallace
  2. G-man.
  3. Johnny Goldtimbers
  4. Squirto10
  5. LawIronhawk
  6. Marc Warfury
  7. WaglingtonŒ
  8. Slappy2742
  9. Captain Ned Edgewalker
  10. Nults McKagan

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WaglingtonŒ WaglingtonŒ 1 May 2018

If You Were an Avenger

  • 1 Myself - Dr. Strange
  • 2 Mallace - Iron Man
  • 3 Nults McKagan - Bruce Banner
  • 4 Ned - Ant-Man
  • 5 Cadet - Thor
  • 6 Gio - Black Panther
  • 7 Squirto - Spider-Man
  • 8 Rob - Vision
  • 9 Sam - Falcon
  • 10 G-man - Star Lord
  • 11 Zoomer - Rocket
  • 12 Garland - Wong
  • 13 David - Korg
  • 14 Lawrence - Happy Hogan
  • 15 Marc - Young Groot

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Marc Warfury Marc Warfury 30 March 2018



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Captain Ned Edgewalker Captain Ned Edgewalker 29 March 2018

If I Imagined You as an AHHHHH


soon more

  • 1 WaglingtonŒ
  • 2 Lord Andrew Mallace
  • 3 Sam Darkwalker
  • 4 Johnny Goldtimbers
  • 5 LawIronhawk
  • 6 Nults McKagan
  • 7 ZoomerStrife
  • 8 Marc Warfury
  • 9 Squirto19
  • 10 Captaingoldvane2

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Captain Ned Edgewalker Captain Ned Edgewalker 24 March 2018

The Ultimate Quote of the Week


Mallace: "It's not a problem. It's the solution." Zoomer: "the final solution" Wag: "the final solution." Nults: "the final solution" ~ proof that the wiki is racist


Given that Quote of the Week has essentially been dead on this here website for a while now, it's finally time for THE ULTIMATE QUOTE OF THE WEEK! This summer marks the 4th anniversary of QOTWs creation, but I don't wanna wait until then so WE DOIN THIS SHIT NOW.

Starting today (cuz i can't bear to wait until tomorrow), for the next three weeks the following polls will take place:

  • On the first week, 3 damn good quotes from ever…

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Captain Ned Edgewalker Captain Ned Edgewalker 10 March 2018

Game Nights

since some yellow bitch announced this on GFW discord before i was ready i'm quickly throwing this together as a less-gay explanation

tl;dr gonna do a game night once a week

cuz it's fun

Minecraft (Cactice, Hunger Games, CTF, adventure maps), CAH, skribbl.io, TLOPO and a whole load of other things that could come to mind. games do not have to be free but the vast majority of us have to own it or be willing to buy it

for "competitive" events i'm gonna keep a useless tally of victories somewhere just cuz

once a week

you can vote on dates and times on the announcements channel in GFW discord, but make sure to select all options that'd work for you

ok thanks

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Marc Warfury Marc Warfury 25 February 2018

Vandals, beware

No vandalism on my watch. I'm a gai boy now.

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WaglingtonŒ WaglingtonŒ 24 February 2018

The Great Partition

From the desk of His Sacred and Imperial Majesty, Erdoğan I, Sultan of Sultans, Khan of Khans, Sovereign of the Sublime House of Osman, Commander of the Faithful and Successor of the Prophet of the Lord of the Universe, Custodian of the Two Noble Sanctuaries, Caesar of the Roman Empire and Supreme Leader of Turkey, Emperor of the Three Cities, Lord of Anatolia, Greece, Bosnia, Croatia, Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Moldova, the Netherlands, Rumelia, Thrace, Wallachia, Serbia, Bessarabia, and Kosovo, Protector of Algeria, Cyrenaica, Dongola, Egypt, Goree, Tripolitania, and Tunis, Caretaker of Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Syria, Hedjaz, Mesopotamia, Meskheiti, Palestine, Persia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrzygstan, Takijistan, and Uzbekis…

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Marc Warfury Marc Warfury 13 February 2018

can i join the outlanders

yes or no

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G-man. G-man. 21 January 2018


Speak to me my children I love you

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Captain Ned Edgewalker Captain Ned Edgewalker 19 January 2018

If I Imagined You as a Ned Farewell Blog









  • 1 Lord Andrew Mallace - Should I Stay?
  • 2 Nults McKagan - Brethren Court MAJOR News/End of an Era
  • 3 Johnny Goldtimbers - Goodbye
  • 4 WaglingtonŒ - A break
  • 5 Squirto19 - Leaving Wiki and Game, Effective Immediately
  • 6 Captain Ned Edgewalker - Farewell.

Now this one is more obscure compared to some of the others, but I think it's the perfect fit given that Mallace is the ever-loving connoisseur of Democracy™, it fits perfectly given that people voted on whether I should stay or I should go.

I vote that I should go. 

So, this one is about me dying in POTCO because I was poisioned or some shit and that I was gonna make David the next pirate prince. When does the ned gener…

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Captain Ned Edgewalker Captain Ned Edgewalker 10 January 2018

Randomly Generated

Randomly Generated is where imma write some short stories, all with a randomly generated plot using this lil site right here (or maybe a different one). It'll be fun, ok? I promise.

  • 1 January 10, 2018 - Protesting Punishment
    • 1.1 Generated Plot
  • 2 January 21, 2018 - Origins of the Toab™
    • 2.1 Generated Plot
  • 3 March 29, 2018 - The Comeback
    • 3.1 Generated Plot
  • 4 April 16, 2018 - The Wrath of Heaven
    • 4.1 Generated Plot
  • 5 May 13, 2018 - That Lazy Millennial Santa Claus
    • 5.1 Generated Plot
  • 6 June 16, 2018 - Andrew Mallace has ravaged me
    • 6.1 Generated Plot

Welcome back to ENN at 5 o'clock. We now bring you live to the residence of President Ned Edgewalker, where James Abilio is outside with an update on the illegal protests that took place there earlier today. James?

On a part…

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Jeremiah Garland Jeremiah Garland 31 December 2017

Jerrytalk: Star Wars Episode IX Predictions


A few days ago, I finally got around to seeing the latest and much anticipated installment of the Star Wars franchise. I went into the cinema unsure of what to expect; I had heard both high praise and negative criticism toward the film by my friends and family. It's a known fact that swaths of Star Wars fan communities across the internet have infamously decried the film, claiming that Rian Johnson's new direction is too extreme of a departure from the Star Wars of old.

Personally, I found the film to be one of the best chapters of the greater Star Wars epic. Indeed, Johnson's finished product was drastically different than anything up until now. However, I f…

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Squirto19 Squirto19 30 December 2017

Community Vote: Switch from Talk Pages to Message Boards

Copy pasted from Mall's thread:

"Per the advice of our esteemed Admin of Coding and all things technological, there has been a recent stem of interest in switching from talk pages to message boards in order to modernize our incredibly ALIVE and WELL ROUNDED wiki. Most people know that I am a huge fan of my talk page and love re-reading history, but I do believe the time has come to switch. Luckily we can archive our talk pages, which I highly suggest you do!"

And also just to further note, all talk pages will be auto-archived and any pre-archived talk pages will just have a simple name change from "User Talk:FakeUser/Archive1" to "Message Wall:FakeUser/Archive1".

Squirto19 - Talk Page

  • Squirto19
  • Captain Ned Edgewalker
  • Marc Warfury
  • Nults McKagan
  • Johnn…

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John Breasly John Breasly 9 February 2012

Concerning Recent Events...

Okay, none of you spoke to the police. Josh is a teenager. He was being stupid, and requested pictures from Stormwalker. He did not send her pornographic images, nor did he post pornographic images. He obtained her cellphone number from her, on a different wiki at the same time I recieved her cellphone number. Josh is no threat to anyone here, and I will bet my freedom as a user on that. I don't know who found the warrant of that 34-year-old man from Pittsburgh, but that is not Josh. Josh lives far from Pittsburgh, in a completely different timezone. If anyone should be banned, it should be me for releasing classified information on this wiki. I told Madster because she is Stormwalker's best friend, and I told Jerry, Jack, and Sve…

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John Breasly John Breasly 9 February 2012

Back off Josh

Guys, you can't ban Josh for that stuff, I got it from the police! He was just being a stupid teenager, he didn't sexually harass anyone! Unban him and delete the ban blog, because I CAN GO TO PRISON FOR RELEASING THAT INFORMATION!

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Captain Ned Edgewalker Captain Ned Edgewalker 16 December 2017

2018 Wiki Olympics

See also: 2016 Wiki Olympics

The 2018 Wiki Olympics were an event held from December 20th, 2017 to January 7th, 2018. These were the second Wiki Olympics held.

There were six events on four different games. Nults McKagan won the competition with a total of 10 points. Nults won a medal in every event to achieve this, but only won a single Gold medal in Capture the Flag. In second came Ned Edgewalker (me) with 8 points total, followed closely behind by Squirto19 with 7 points total.

Every single event had a different Gold medal winner. 

  • 1 Standings
  • 2 Events
    • 2.1 Minecraft - Hunger Games
      • 2.1.1 Event Summary
    • 2.2 Cards Against Humanity
      • 2.2.1 Event Summary
    • 2.3 The Legend of Pirates Online
      • 2.3.1 Event Summary
    • 2.4 Draw My Thing (skribbl.io)
    • 2.5 Minecraft - Capture the Fl…

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WaglingtonŒ WaglingtonŒ 14 October 2017

Restoration of the Sovereignty of The Netherlands (1750)

In light of now two unsuccessful attempts between the Ottoman Empire and Mr. Sam Darkwalker to reach a concensus on the matter of The Netherlands, the Sultan of the Eternal State will now exercise his authority as Supreme Leader of Turkey and emergency executive of Holland to immediately reinstate the Dutch monarchy, alongside the sovereignty of the Dutch State, by instating Josef Furnace as the one true King of the Netherlands, sans its various former overseas holdings, which shall remain indefinitely in the trusted hands of the Turks.

The new Dutch State shall enjoy complete independence from its predecessor, the Ottoman Empire, which shall withdraw all of its standing forces from Holland to allow the new regime to build and prosper as it…

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LawIronhawk LawIronhawk 6 September 2017

An Apology

Yesterday I made a grave mistake in my handling of a situation and in my choice of words. I would like to take a moment to specifically apologize to Mallace and Lith for the crude tone of voice I took with them as well as my use of the term "you people." I sometimes lose sight of the bigger picture and forget that we are all in this together.

That being said, I am also very sorry for my general demeanour towards the GFW staff as of late, the way I have acted is rude and does not reflect how a good wikian should act. I should have explained my point of view to Lith and Mallace instead of taking a moral high-ground and being passive aggressive in the SSC proposals. My point of view shouldn't matter though, it is just one of many different one…

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Lord Andrew Mallace Lord Andrew Mallace 4 September 2017

Community Vote: Creation of Official Wiki Discord

If this passes, we can easily work out the logistics of either using MOKAD or something separate. Urge everyone to vote their conscious and beware of bias. An investigation has been opened due to Law's incredibly disparaging and disjoining comments to make sure this isn't another attempt at sabotage. Happy voting!

Copy pasted from Nults McKagan's SSC post:

"When I made my proposal to legalize most swearing, this is what I really wanted, I just settled because I figured it wouldn't get approved, but I'd like to try it now. I propose we make an official discord, added to the sidebar of the wiki, entitled "Gamers Fanon Wiki" or something of the like. We could do what the last proposal suggested and allow most swearing, other than slurs, and bas…

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WaglingtonŒ WaglingtonŒ 16 August 2017

The Empire Strikes Back (1750)

After a nail-bitingly close referendum that resulted in parliamentary deadlock for several hours before being broken by the President's vote, the Republic of Turkey has DEMOCRATICALLY decided to free itself from the chains of legislature and bureaucracy in favor of reestablishing the Caliphate and returning supreme executive power to Adrian Öztürk Erdoğan,  rightful supreme leader of all the Turks and Muslims.

In addition, in light of a stunning archaeological breakthrough and the recovery of the President's birth records, it has been determined that Erdoğan is the sole valid successor to the Osman dynasty, and thus, with the return of the Caliphate, the position of Sultan shall be reinstated and, in the Republic of Turkey's place, the reve…

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