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This story is an Original Story based on Assassins creed in Netherlands in the year 1780. Worked by mein (NextMaster or Sam) or Sam Productions. Do not edit this unless your part of the Sam Prodcutions Team.

Dank u.


Chapter 1: The Dutch Noble

The Capital was busy as always, always boats heading to the New World, people walking on the paved streets, and the chatter of merchants at their stalls. Constantijn was not headed for the market, as he was only 14 and had no point of buying anything, Constantijn was already rich and lived in a manor. Constantijn walked past several streets and alleys to reach his father at the port. When Constantijn got past a crowd who appeared to surround the docks, Constantijn heard screaming and saw one thing: His dead father and a sword inside his father with a hilt of shined gold and a red cross at the end.

"Who would of done this? Such a poor thing to a man. He didn't deserve this." A few men and women murmured and said.

Constantijn cried and looked around and saw a man running away wearing a set of heavy leather with a few small red crosses. Constantijn stood up and ran towards him, hoping Constantijn could see where he went. After a few turns across several alleys Constantijn had lost track of him. As Constantijn looked around,  a man in a hooded robe fell on top of him.

"What in the world?" Constantijn said as he pushed the man off of him.

Constantijn looked up and saw dozens of hooded men running on the red-tiled roof. Constantijn ran to a lift where a knife was close to and grabbed it, Constantijn zoomed up the building and he followed the hooded men, after a few minutes of following them, they hooded men had thrown knives, bolts, and attempted to stab the crossed man. They had succeeded by shooting him in the leg with bolts. He fell down to the ground, which the assassins saw that he still survived by falling on top of a few people, which pushed him out of the way.

"You'll never stop me!" the man said as he shot a hooded man which killed him.

the hooded men readied all of their bolts and shot them at the crossed man, which nine out of ten struck him. They reloaded their shots and aimed them at me.

"What do we do with him Aleid?" a man with a deep german voice said.

A attractive hooded woman unveiled her hood and looked at Constantijn.

"You ran all this way without being tired?" she asked Constantijn.

"Yes, I wanted revenge for what he did to my father." Constantijn said.

She looked over at a few hooded men and they nodded.

"If you want to stop the people who did this to your father, follow us and we'll take you to where we can help you get revenge." Aleid said.

Constantijn nodded when Aleid finished her question.

"Good, follow us." Aleid said running with her other hooded men.

Constantijn followed shortly behind, a few sections of the city later, they were in a rich neighborhood. they reached the front of the Nieuwe Kerk.

"This protestant church is where you all live in?" Constantijn asked.

"No, put your hand on the handel." Aleid said.

Constantijn did what Aleid said and all the hooded men laughed.

"your not bright are you? We wouldn't have our order in the plain open, follow me." Aleid said.

Constantijn followed and they reached a turn where nothing was there but a wall.

"Now this is where you put your hand on the knob." Aleid said.

"Why is this knob here?" Constantijn said as he put his hand on the knob.

the wall pushed back and slid behind a side of the wall, making Constantijn fall onto the stairs.

"Now you know." Aleid said laughing.

"Not funny." Constantijn said.

While Constantijn was trying to stand up, Aleid walked down the stairs and saw other hooded men and greeted them as Constantijn was shocked to see many of them.

a few looked at him and one with a heavy Hungarian accent came to him.

"What year is it?" the Man asked him.

"1780...why do you ask?" Constantijn asked.

"Nothing. Why did you come here?" he asked again.

"Because my father died for something that I don't know. If your farther would of died that way I would've wanted revenge wouldn't you?" Constantijn snapped.

"My father died one day and never came home, I had to live in a rich house by myself, and when my aunt came for me, I was already gone, I just wanted to go somewhere..somewhere where I didn't have to sit back and be bored!" He yelled at Constantijn.

"Enough!" Aleid said.

Constantijn and the Man looked at Aleid, she scoffed and took Constantijn to a room and threw Constantijn on the floor, Constantijn looked up seeing something that shocked him. Constantijn looked around and saw rows upon rows of hooded men, in the middle he saw a golden stand and looked at four hooded men in the golden stand.

"This is him?" A hooded man with several medals and engravings on his clothes.

"Yes, we didn't expect him to find us this early in his life, but I suppose the earlier he found us, the more training he can use in the field." Aleid said.

"Agreed, however he must be confused, lets tell him about us." Another hooded man said.

"You step forward! Let me look at you." The first man said.

Constantijn moved forward hesitantly while hundreds of hooded men looked at him and his actions.

"looks exactly like his father, your sure he does have a mother?" A few hooded men snickered and laughed.

"I DO have a mother, and not every part of me looks like my father!" Constantijn snapped.

"That's one thing he did do much: yelling." Some men looked and said.

Constantijn looked at the Hungarian and Aleid. "Why am I here? I thought I was suppose to fight those who killed my father."

"This is the initiation, and they're testing you." The Hungarian said.

Constantijn turned to talk to the hooded men in the gold stand.

"Before you start to yell at us once more, maybe you would like to drink a few bottles of wine?" All of the hooded men said.

"Im 14, but I suppose I could take a drink." Constantijn said.

"Choose from one of the these four wines, we know you've tasted all of these wines, but which one is your favorite?" One hooded man in green clothing said.

Four hooded men place four wine bottles, all of which Constantijn knew.

"Rondo, Domina, Scheurebe, and Pinot Noir Précoce." Constantijn said happily.

Constantijn picked Pinot Noir Précoce, opening the bottle and pouring a himself a cup.

"Always my favorite, always had that flavor to it." Constantijn said.

Constantijn cheered and drank the wine, dropping the cup and falling to the floor.

Chapter 2: The Dutch Assassins

Constantijn stood up and saw the most beautiful thing in the world: Aleid. He saw pictures, paintings and hooded men floating in the air looking at Constantijn. Aleid had her hood back and Constantijn saw her brown hair, her green eyes, her tanned skin and her freckles on her face.

"You look....beautiful." Constantijn said.

The hooded men floating laughed and several paintings fell.

"How old are you?" Aleid said smiling.

"14, almost 15." Constantijn said.

More hooded men laughed, causing more paintings to fall.

"Im with the man you call the Hungarian." Aleid said.

All of the hooded men laughed and all the paintings fell but only one.

"Your married to him?" Constantijn asked.

"No, but he has thought about it before." Aleid said.

"So what's his name then?" Constantijn said.

"Ákos of Hungary, but us in the order call him Ákos Arany, or just Ákos for short." Aleid said.

Aleid walked into the painting, which had a small girl alongside her father walking on the street.

"Looks like I only have one thing left to do then." Constantijn said to himself.

Constantijn walked into the painting and felt a surge of pain to his head as he walked through, he appeared on the other side of the painting to find himself back in Netherlands.

"Come on Aleid, we can't stay like this forever." A man said.

"I know we can't but I really need to go!" A young girl said.

Constantijn looked and saw it was Aleid and her father, He walked over and saw the painting nearly done despite a few strokes left to add in.

"You there, does our painting look decent?" Aleid's Father said to Constantijn.

The painter looked at constantijn as if he was to say yes.

"As fine as it can be, this painter here is a natural." Constantijn said.

Aleid's father nodded and took a look at it and paid the painter his fee. Aleid ran off as soon as the coins were in the painters hands.

"I'll be back father!" Aleid yelled as she ran off.

"Oh Aleid, she will never learn to be a determined girl, but not every person is perfect." Aleid's father said to Constantijn scoffing.

"Well she might surprise you as she grows up, she does look like she might be something important." Constantijn replied.

A painting opened up from the ground and Constantijn saw that it was him on the floor with a cup alongside him.

"Doei.." Constantijn said.

"You can call me Ábel De Klerk." Ábel said to Constantijn.

"Constantijn De Jonckheer, at your service." Constantijn said to Ábel.

"At my pleasure as well, I must go find Aleid now, Doei Constantijn" Ábel said.

"Doei Ábel." Constantijn said.

Constantijn watched as Ábel ran off, Constantijn walked into the painting and saw the paved cobble on his face. Constantijn turned around with his head aching.

"What did you do to me?" Constantijn said.

"We drugged you and you were allowed to see one's past including your own, but you seemed focused on one person here in particular.." a hooded man on the stands said.

Aleid stepped forward.

"He saw my past, I could feel him in my memories, when I was a little girl and how he was able to meet my father." Aleid said to everyone.

Everyone murmured and Ákos stepped forward with his sabre in his hand.

"No one will move in on her. No one!" Ákos yelled.

"Enough Ákos, There is always the trial of arms but he isn't a assassin yet." The green hooded man said.

"Fine get it on then." Ákos said.

"Right, Constantijn you have passed our tests and our initiation, Will you join our order to hold the peace and our right to humanity? To stop those who wish to have the world for themselves?" The Golden clothed Assassin said.

"I do." Constantijin said.

"Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember..." All the Assassins said.

"Nothing is True." Constantijn said.

"where other men are limited by morality or law, Remember..." all the Assassins said again.

"Everything is permitted." Constantijn said.

"We work in the dark to serve the light! We are Assassins!" All the Assassins cheered and chanted.

Several Assassins carried Constantijn to the top of the cavern and pushed him towards a plank.

"There's nothing to stop me!" Constantijn yelled.

"That's what makes it fun. Just do it! Don't be scared!" Many Assassins cheered Constantijn on.

Constantijn jumped down and saw the starish designs and the walls of the designed cavern. Assassins threw hay, water and roses alongside Constantijn.

"What is all of this for!?" Constantijn yelled out.

"Just watch Constantijn!" Aleid yelled.

Constantijn watched as the water, roses, petals, and hay combined together to make a pink and watery liquid which appeared to rotate around him.

"I hope this stops me from hitting the floor!" Constantijn yelled in horror.

As Constantijn felt his head on paved stone, he felt no pain, he stood up in awe from what happened.

"What just happened..." Constantijn said.

"It was the Liquid, as you hit the ground, it absorbed your pain, now your a full member, and you can fight me." Ákos said with determination.

"Well, maybe I will, but unless Aleid wants to stop it or the Master Assassins." Constantijn said to Ákos.

Aleid frowned at Ákos but said nothing, Ákos dropped his sabre and Constantijn nodded.

"Fine, but next time I won't let her stop me from fighting you. " Ákos said to Constantijn.

Aleid walked off ignoring Ákos's apologies.

"good to know that i'll be in the order with you." Constantijn said.

"Remember, im still with Ákos, and don't let him hear you saying that." Aleid said to Constantijn in a whisper.

Constantijn smiled and walked off to train for the future ahead.

Chapter 3: The Fourth Anglo-Dutch War

"I love you Ákos." Aleid said.

Constantijn sighed as he finished killing another british soldier. Constantijn, Ákos, and Aleid were on a boat in service to the Assassins, they were busy killing british troops. The Fighting was going bad for the Dutch, they lost many boats fighting and trying to protect their costal provinces.

"We need to fall back!" Aleid yelled at the Captain.

The Captain nodded and turned his course to Texel, as Aleid was tending to Ákos's wounds, several british boats began to follow us. The captain ignored them and dock on the shore, he pulled his sword and shot cannons on the left side of the boat at the ships.

"Go on, we'll hold them off, it will be good to see these british bastards dead on the sand." the Captain said to us.

We walked off to rally with the remaining assassins who didn't die amongst the fighting.

"We're near De Muy, we should go there." Ákos said to Aleid eaglery smiling.

"Stop." she chuckled at him.

"What did you both do at De Muy?" Constantijn whispered to Ákos.

"When your older maybe you'll know what we lovers do." Ákos said taunting Constantijn.

"I have an idea what you two did, plus all three of us are 18. I'd hardly call you a man, Ákos." Constantijn said to Ákos.

"Cseszd Meg." Ákos said to Constantijn.

"Good Hungarian, since its the only language besides Dutch and English you know." Constantijn said as he ran off to De Muy.

"Don't be so harsh on him, we're here to do a mission not have a bit of fun at De Muy." Aleid said smiling.

"But you want to." Ákos said chuckling.

Aleid hit Ákos laughing.

"Lets just go there and finish this, the longer we stay here, the bigger our casualties will grow, and we're fighting a losing battle on the sea. " Aleid said.

Aleid and Ákos walked off to De Muy and saw several camps around the lake. Frantic assassins readied their weapons to hold off the British from getting into Mainland Texel.

"Men! Prepare your swords, soon they will cross into The Mainland, we cannot allow that to happen at any cost!" Said The Assassin Enforcer.

"Soldiers through Veterans follow me!" Ákos said.

"Officers, ready your rifles!" Aleid said.

Constantijn stood in Awe as the Formations were ready, Ákos had sent his regiments into the surround high grass to lower the numbers, Aleid sent half of his regiment on high ground to flank, the rest on low ground to help the hiding Assassins.

"What should I do?" Constantijn said to the Enforcer.

"A cannon is on the hill near here, i'll send a few men to help you load it up, by the time they get here you might already be there to shoot. " The Enforcer said.

Constantijn nodded and ran off to the cannon. He arrived to find several assassins waiting for him.

"Lets get this ready!" Constantijn said.

Constantijn heard the fighting already starting, he lighted the cannon and pulled his rifle. At the sound of the cannon booming, the battle grew louder, Constantijn readied it again.

"The Brits are climbing behind us!" A Assassin said.

Constantijn pulled his sabre and walked down the path. he saw the Brits attempting to hide from him, he killed them and drew his pistol and shot another.

"Done!" Constantijn yelled.

"You might want to ready your Grenades!" The Assassins yelled.

A squad of British Hunters drew their rifles and aimed at constantijn.

"Come on then." Constantijn said.

Constnatijn heard a boom and the hunters blew up. Constantijn pulled his sabre and ran off to join the battlements on the field.

"Keep firing" Constantijn said as he yelled in the distance.

He pushed his sabre into a soldier as he ran, he slew another, he continued to slay enemies along the road until he reached Aleid and Ákos.

"Needed me?" Constantijn said smiling.

"Obviously!" Ákos said.

Soldiers surrounded Aleid, as Aleid franticly tried to kill them, one hit her and knocked Aleid out. Constantijn saw the face on Ákos when Aleid got knocked out.

"ALEID!!" Ákos yelled in fury.

"Ákos no!" Constantijn said as Ákos ran into the fray.

As Ákos attempted to kill them all a huge soldier wielding a axe came in slashed Ákos in the chest.

"Damn it." Constantijn said as he charged knowing he would get knocked out.

Constantijn slashed and killed the soldiers asides for the big one.

"How the hell do I kill you?" Consantijn said in awe.

the Grunt laughed and slaped Constantijn, knocking him out.

Constantijn could see Aleid's and Ákos's face as he stirred. He looked at Aleid's last before his eyes finally closed.

Chapter 4: Aftermath

Constantijn ached as he woke up on the rough dirt. He looked around and saw himself in a tent with other Assassins and Aleid.

"How are you doing?" Aleid asked Constantijn.

"Ached and peachy, what about Ákos? " Constantijn said.

"bad, that hit gave him more pain then what hes used to, I don't know what will happen to him." Aleid said crying.

"Maybe its just shock." Constantijn said grimly.

Aleid ignored Constantijn and cried harder.

