POTCO Players Wiki

The EITC Resistance

The EITC Resistance was created by Captain Ricky Spark. This is the main stronghold of the rebellion against EITC. David Ironbones created Anti Co Army before retiring. Nate Raidhawk created El Bandidos after El Piratas was consumed by Spark.

The EITC Resistance History

Captain Ricky Spark/Johnny Darksteel


David Ironbones


Anti Co Army


Nate Raidhawk


El Piratas


Nate Raidhawk


El Bandidos

El Bandidos The 5th Brethren Court, led by Jack Swordmenace (Other pirate lords include Francis Bluehawk, Richard Goldvane, Nate Raidhawk, Piplupower, James Warhawk, Stphepen, Francis Shipbreaker, and several others)

El Bandidos, now Bandidos Empire, and TreasureHunter Inc are some of the only pirate guilds against the EITC rule. El Bandidos It carries on the tradition of the EITC Resistance... when TreausureHunter Inc sort of does things slightly different.

Antico 2010-10-27 17-16-59

A Picture of the original Anti Co members...

Grunt is now with the Eitc and is a traitor. He has told Matthew Darkskull this.

Grunt has been EITC for over a year mate.

~ Jack Swordmenace, King of the 5th Brethren Court

Ik. It's just a pic of old anti co members. - Nate Raidhawk, Bandidos Ruler

Yes i know but it is weird he is like the same level

- Matthew DarkskullTalk


The EITC Resistance was NOT a guild until someday in July, 2010. It was a guild for three days then was deleted by the GM. The guild was called Piracy Empire. After a while it died out and became a line of people giving each other coffee. Also the Anti - Co. Empire led by Davy Ironbones, was the enemy because they were causing more problems with the EITC, until they realized Anti - Co. could help in the war and became allies.

Original Founders:

  1. Captain Ricky Spark
  2. Johnny Darksteel

Original Members:

  1. Captain Ricky Spark
  2. Johnny Darksteel
  3. Nate Raidhawk
  4. Mark Lockburn
  5. Simon Treasurehawk
  6. The El Piratas Guild
  7. Numerous others