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Invasion of Ireland was published by Venables & Wellington Entertainment.

Invasion of Ireland


William de' Medici


Venables & Wellington Entertainment


April 9, 1747

Release Date

July 19, 1747






Author's Note 

Venables & Wellington Entertainment are proud to announce the arrival of the Invasion of Ireland documentery. Focusing on the Spanish invasion of the Irish coast in late 1745, this book tells the tale of how Great Britain's New Golden Age begins. 

Note: Not all scenes in this story are real, however all scores of battles are correct. 

Prologue - November 1745

It was a time of peace... and chaos. The War of the French Sucession had just ended, with the new Spanish Armada, Casa di Royale, dominating the seas. Rumours came about that the Spaniards might see this as a good time to attack the British isles itself, in its weakend state. Eventually, these rumours reached the British Parliament. Realizing that this may be possible, a bill was passed signalling for the Royale Co. Navy operation. Minister of Warfare, Nathaniel Joseph Garland II was ordered to reform the Royal Navy completely. Thousands of young british men are put into service as one of the greatest british units is erected. 

Numerous smaller fleets are put under command of the four Sea Lords, William Sharkskull, Blake Stewart, James Goldtimbers, and Jack Stormrage. While William is stationed in the Mediterranean, James in the Caribbean, and Jack on the Ivory Coast, Vice-Admiral Stewart is posted to the Irish Coast, in Fort Essence. 

Chapter I - Decleration of War 

November 11, 1745

At around 2 o'clock in the morning, numerous members of the Spanish Court are roused from their beds and escorted to a top-secret meeting within Palacio de Clemente. Inside "Area 16", King Phillipe V Clemente sits next to his wife, Isabella V Clemente, as the remaining members of the Board of Warfare, Prime Minister Carlos La Verde Sanita, Lord Jason Brawlmartin, Grand Field Marshall Douglas Sharkidd, Grand Lord Admiral Hector Pillageparr, and Overlord Geoffrey Hexbones arrive. As the meeting begins, Area 16 is sealed off so that the meeting may be held in peace. 

King Clemente stands, "Members of the Board of Warfare, I assure you that you have not been called here for no reason. We are to discuss the possibility of anniahlating Great Britain once and for all. Field Marshall Sharkidd jumps in, "Your Majesty, I support this invasion as it will dearly cause the death of England, and its pitiful leaders." Clemente nods in aknowledgement. "If I may, I say this invasion is worthless. We've tried this before, haven't we? We may be powerful, but England is not very far behind us. However, if this war occurs, I hold responsibilty on you to lead us to victory," Brawlmartin says. "Nay, it would not be wise for us to risk our King in an invasion that may very well be quite dangerous. I would volunteer to lead the invasion so long as our King remains safe here. We are in a great age, why give the risk of ruining it? 

Meanwhile, throughout this whole conversation, Pillageparr remains silent. He had recently been given offer by England to give them Spanish secrets in return for a king's ransom in gold. "Oh how generously they would pay me for a spill of the events tonight," he thinks to himself. Suddenly, he remembers his men, "How can I leave them to die for my selfish acts? No. I will not reveal the secrets, I will not allow my men to be harmed for my greed." 

"Anything to say, Admiral Pilageparr?" Sanita brings him out of his daydream. "No sir, just pondering on whether or not this is a good plan to run through with." Sanita smirks, "You seem to be out of things recently, Hector. Is there anything that seems to be bothering you?" Clemente suddenly stands again, and the HCO's look to him. "Gentlemen, I have made my decision. We shall comence an attack of Ireland to start off a massive take-over of England. Sanita, you shall lead the Casa di Royale Armada. Overlord Hexbones, you shall take your men, and accompany Carlos as Second-in-Command, but first, you will take a Vanguard and sail to Ireland first, weakening the defense. Pillageparr, go with the Prime Minister when he departs." 

"Understood, sir!" the Board speaks in unison. "As for you, Sharkidd, I'll need you to take over command of France, as Hexbones will be busy in the coming weeks. Brawlmartin, you'll remain here, and serve as my temporary Chief Advisor." Jason and Douglas nod in responce. "Very well, meeting adjourned." 

As everyone leaves the meeting, and Phillipe and Isabella arrive at their chambers, Isabella looks quizically at Phillipe, "Do you think it wise to make Jason chief advisor? He's not exactly the most loyal member of the court." Phillipe sighs, "I know, but he's experianced in the fields, and I need someone like him at my side to make sure this runs smoothly. Goodnight, my dear." Isabella nods goodnight, and they retreat to their individual rooms. 

November 12, 1746 

In the morning, the declaration of war is sent to the British Parliament. It reads as follows; 

On this day, the 11th of November, of the year 1746, I, King Phillipe V Clemente of Spain and France, officially authorize the invasion of Ireland as requested by the people of The Spanish Republic. Let this be our first move in bringing down the tyranny that oppresses the people of The British Empire Let it be known that as of now, Britain stands alone in this great war. I officially declare that this coming friday, November 16th, will be the day where Britain must make a stand if it wishes to maintain control of Ireland. Should the British emerge victorious, I will be willing to return the English Channel to King George II. I will also be willing to sign a 2 week long armistice. Should the British forfit this battle, Ireland will voluntarily become apart of The Spanish Republic. Should the Spanish emerge victorious, obviously, they will from here on out control Ireland until Britain should choose to act in defense. I bid all members of The Spanish military good luck in preparing for our conquest of Ireland scheduled for this friday. Viva La Espana!

King Phillipe V Clemente of Spain & France 

Andrew Mallace immedietly has the declaration run to the Prime Minister's Office. There, it is thoroughly examined by Garland and his subordinate Sea Lords, as well as Prime Minister Goldtimbers. As a vote is passed in Parliament, the declaration is answered by retaliating with Garland being ordered to be posted in Ireland by the 15th. 

Chapter II - Invasion of the Irish Coast 

November 16, 1745 

As we find ourselves on the dawn of November 16, Vice-Admiral Blake Stewart looks over at the English Channel, from the towers of Fort Essence. 

Blake Stewart was a man of middle class heiritage. He was also a man who grew up with sharp wits. He looks over the channel with a hopeful look. He'd been up all night guarding, against the advice of his subordinates. He knew he had to be ready for the squeduled invasion that Spain had given them. Why hadn't Garland arrived already? Why had Spain revealed the date they planned to attack? How large was the Spanish force? All these questions blasted in his head as a sudden voice was heard behind him. 

"Yo'u won't be read'y to lead us if ya keep this up," his second-in-command, Commodore Samuel Seavane comes up from behind. "Sir, Viceroy Bluehawk has' sent out tha EITC Third Division from Dublin. They'll be herr'e by noon," Seavane reports. "Very good, and of Minister Garland?" Blake asks quizically. "No' werd on tha matter, sir," Seavane says profoundly. "Alright, ready the fleet for immediate withdraw," Blake orders. Samuel salutes and leaves. 

Suddenly, in through the fog, a mast appears. Blake is sure he is just imagining it, when a lookout shouts, "Ships ahead!". Blake braces himself just as a cannon barrage hits Fort Essence. "Prepare the men for immediate combat! Get my ship out into the water," Blake orders as he rushes to board his ship, the HMS Erasmus. 

A platoon of marines assemble just as Blake arrives. "Men, with me!" he orders swiftly. As the troope hurries to board, sailors get in their positions, and the cannons are opened. "Have Seavane remain in command of the base." Blake turns to the sea. He can just make out the form of at least 9 ships, a small number compared to the Armada he was expecting. "Members of the Royale Co. Navy! Today, we fight for something more then the likes of King George, today, we fight for our home! Defend it!" 

Aboard the Spanish flagship, the La Santa Catalina, Overlord Geoffrey Hexbones stood at the helm. As the HMS Pond opens fire on a Spanish warship, sinking it, the Catalina veers off course and takes down the Pond with ease. The Erasmus is soon followed by Menelaus, Nestor, and Ajax. Forming into position, the British Fleet pounds the Spanish Vanguard, sinking both the Paxat San Esteban and the La Regazona in the process. Hexbones signals the remaining ships; the Pinaza Magdelana, the Santa Maria de la Rosa, the Neustra Senora del Barrio, the La Consepcion, and the Sao Bernardo to flank the British. 

As the Bernardo arrives first, it takes the Nestor full on, as the ships are tangled a fierce fight ensues aboard. Sea Lord Ponce de Leon of the Spanish Fleet swings aboard the Nestor with his crew bringing apart the ship, as Captain Attacker of the Nestor strugles to defend. Stewart signals the Ajax to deal as much damage as possible to the Spanish fleet. Commander Ben Hullmartin obliges, and prepares both sides of his ship. As the Magdelana comes about, Hullmartin gives the signal, and all guns are fired directly on it.  

Meanwhile, Hexbones advances on the Erasmus. When the Menelaus gets in her way, the Catalina shoots her down without a second thought. Stewarts ship sinks the Consepcion, just as the Barrio comes up on its left side. "Guns to port!" Blake yells over the chaos. As the Catalina reaches the Erasmus, all hope for the British seems to be lost, until out of the a mist, another ship emerges. The HMS Achilles, under the command of Minister Garland, begins fire on the Barrio. As the Spanish captain strugles to get his ship in position, Garland takes down its mast, sinking the Neustra Senora del Barrio. 

Overlord Hexbones signals  the retreat, falling back with only the Catalina, Rosa, and Bernardo. The British however, have emerged victorious, but at a heavy cost. Most of Blake's fleet lay in ruin, with only the Erasmus, and Ajax surviving. The crew of the Nestor escape aboard the Ajax as their ship sinks bellow the waves. The entire fleet returns to Fort Essence, where Minister Garland will prepare them for the coming days. 

November 17, 1745 

Nathaniel Garland had arrived in the nick of time. Following soon after him, Prime Minister Johnathan Goldtimbers arrives aboard the HMS Alexander. He is followed by a large fleet consisting of the HMS Hades, HMS Grendel, HMS Summer, HMS Salamis, HMS Priam, and the HMS Thetis. 

In the afternoon of the next day, ships are seen in the horizon. At the front of the Casa di Royale, sails the La Santa Catalina and the San Martino. The Achilles sails ahead to a small island by the name of Isla de la Plata where the Spanish set up base. Disembarking the Achilles, Garland, Goldtimbers, and Stewart are met with a welcoming party consisting of Prime Minister Carlos La Verde Sanita, Overlord Geoffrey Hexbones, and Grand Lord Admiral Hector Pillageparr. 

As the two factions meet, the terms of battle are set, and the British return to Fort Essence. The Pride of the Fleet, the Alexander sails our with the Achilles at its side, as the remaining ships of the Royale Co. Navy follow. On the Spanish isle, Sanita gives the order to have the Casa di Royale prepare its ships. The La Maria Juan, La Manuela, San Felipe y Santiago, La Trinidad Bogitar, Paxat El Espiritu Santo, Urca Doncella, La Girona, El Gato, Neustro Senora de Guadaloupe, Santa Maria de la Rosa, Sao Bernardo, and the Santo Andres form out in position behind the La Santa Catalina. Prime Minister Sanita takes his personal yacht, the San Martino, out as well, and positions it next to the fleet. 

Garland gives the order, and Fort Essence sends a barrage of cannonfire upon the Spanish. While the Spaniards are recovering, the Achilles leads the British in a massive attack. The HMS Summer is the first to go, as the Catalina swiftly sinks it before sending another barrage into the British fleet. The Erasmus engages in battle with the La Maria Juan, as the Alexander sinks both the La Manuela and the Urca Doncella at the same time. 

Suddenly, a loud crash is heard. As the British look up, they see the Hades smash right into the Catalina, wrecking its hull. As the Santo Andres shoots down the Hades, and heaves the Catalina back to Isla de la Plata, Hexbones boards the Guadaloupe, where he takes command of the fleet. After hours of both Spanish and British ships being scrapped, the British Navy retreats back to Fort Essence. Although the Spanish have won this battle, it costs them heavily. Within the Spanish Fleet, only the Rosa, Bernardo, Andres, Martino, Santiago, and Guadaloupe remain. The Catalina hasn't sunk, but it's too heavily damaged to be used in the current week. Hexbones takes command of Guadaloupe, from which he will now lead the Casa di Royale. 

As for the Royale Co. Navy, only the Thetis, Priam, Salamis, Erasmus, Alexander, and Achilles remain. The Grendel was destroyed when it sunk the El Gato and was rammed into by the ship which was on fire, the fire spread, and the Grendel sunk beneath the waves. As for the Ajax, it was heading straight to the San Martino, when the Guadaloupe sent a broadside right into it. 

November 19, 1745 

Both nations respective fleets had been reduced to six ships. Spain took note of this, and planned a daring move. Sending for reinforcements, Sanita also had a plan to criple the British. The Neustra Senora de Guadaloupe is prepares its guns for a quick strike. Sanita boards the San Martino and sets sail for Fort Essence itself. The Guadaloupe along with the Santa Maria de la Rosa under the command of Sea Lord Jack Redsilver, the Sao Bernardo under Sea Lord Ponce de Leon, the Santo Andres under Sea Lord George Sailward, and the San Felipe y Santiago under the command of Grand Lord Admiral Hector Pillageparr fall out behind the Guadaloupe which is under temporary command of Pango Morgan. The San Martino sails ahead to Fort Essence, carrying both Sanita, Hexbones, and the Spanish Marines under Colonal James Bladebones.

As the Martino docks at Fort Essence, the bell towers chime in alarm as marines are rushed to their posts. The EITC Third Division marches up proudly to the gates as first line of defense. General Nathaniel Huntington stands next to Prime Minister Goldtimbers as Minister Garland orders the gates be opened. Garland marches out along with the First Platoon of the Third Division, under Colonel Tyler Wellington. "Form march sequence A!" Wellington shouts to the Marines. The soldiers form up in 3-man rows, with Wellington and his second-in-command, Lt. Colonel Eric Hullbatten on the sides of Garland. 

~More to be added~
