- No adult content
- No cyber-bulling
- No offensive topics
- No insulting other users
- Minor swearing is allowed (such as "ass", "hell", "bastard", "crap", "wench" and "damn"), albeit not as insults
- All other swearing, be it in the form of acronyms, censored (***#$%), names, or any context is not allowed
- No spamming
- No excessive arguing and drama
- No requesting personal information
- Do not link to inappropriate content (I.E. pornography or gore). Anything related to pornography or gore will result in an immediate ban from chat for 3 days. Links with swearing or crude/offensive language are allowed, but abuse will be punished with moderator discretion.
- Do not link other non-affiliated wikis or their chats without explicit moderator permission
- No references to offensive or inappropriate topics
- No abusing emotes
- Use common sense