POTCO Players Wiki

Ned Whalebreaker was on a trip to Outcast Island to hunt for rare items. He ordered his crew to stay aboard the ship except for his first mate Mark Greene. He went missing and the only thing recovered was his journal

Day 3 of Hunting[]

Mark Greene was killed by the natives. They are hunting me down. My crew took my ship and sailed away. I am surviving on crab meat and a stream i found.

Then there was an absence of days but then picked up on day 8

Day 8 of Hunting[]

The natives have found me... I am running for my life. I left the stream. I am out of crab meat.

Day 9 of Hunting[]

I fell into a gorge. I have been searching for a way out. I am exhausted. Thinking of giving up hope. I have a small bottle of water. It is almost empty.

Day 10 of Hunting[]


That was the final journal entry. Ned Whalebreaker has passed on to a new, better life.

This is published by Ned's account but it is his friend, Samuel Wavepaine
