POTCO Players Wiki

Tardliw Ragde is Edgar Wildrat's alter-ego. While Edgar is royal, famous, rich and strange-ish Tardliw Ragde is a nobody with no money. He is also a pirate.


Tardliw Ragde was born when Edgar Wildrat was running tests in Area 5.1 on monkeys. He was testing whether you could separate personalities when the Monkey Cage broke in the middle of a splitting. The strange blueish-orange ray shot out and hit Edgar Wildrat. Sadly his experiment was successful and Tardliw Ragde was born within Edgar Wildrats mind.....

The Following Events[]

Tardliw Ragde was confused... He was exactly the same as Edgar and felt mad at being imprisoned in some guys skull. So with a great effort he freed himself from the brain. Tardliw Ragde suffered from brain damage and went on a rampage.. He was an exact opposite of Edgar and began killing people ruthlessly. He quickly became an outlaw for trying to murder his other self and escaping from High Security prison. Eventually The Royal Navy found him on his ship, Rednuht Retnuhdaed Eht, in Italy. Since Edgar Wildrat is not a mystic being, Tardliw Ragde was. He blasted the Navy fleet to pieces and fled the scene down an alley. Suddenly Tia Dalma appeared, Tardliw Ragde was drunk and thought she was a steak (Edgar Wildrat is a vegetarian)... The following events were rather odd and, when Tardliw Ragde came out of his disillusioned dreams he cast a spell around Italy allowing no ships or people to enter or leave. Edgar Wildrat is a magican so sadly, Tardliw Ragde wasn't the best and the spell worked in reverse. Now, Tardliw Ragde the pirate lives as a homeless person imprisoned by a deadly curse. Tardliw Ragde has lost his nose after attempting to fight the Navy.

Finding Him[]

Tardliw Ragde can be found outside/inside of a bar or in his house, a rather large shoe near the Leaning Tower of Piza.


Well, Tardliw is a nobody but he has one friend : Capt. Skull X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although Skull never notices it Tardliw is ALWAYS near him. Stalker..... (Who do you THINK is the stalker?)
