POTCO Players Wiki

In the past, Jeffrey Blasthawk and Johnny Goldtimbers have been in a fued for more than 20 years. It was started when Jeffrey shot Johnny's arm. Johnny was severely injured and was taken to an EITC hospital. His arm would be in a bad shape for the rest of his life. Johnny got back at Jeffrey by capturing his brother, Billy Lockcutter. Jeffrey did eventually get his brother back, but this rivalry was just the begining.

20 years later..

"Ive got you now Jeffrey! Its all over now!" Johnny said while Jeffrey was on the ground. "Thats what you think," said Jeffrey as Billy Lockcutter was nearing. Billy pulled Johnny off of them. They had a long fist fight with Johnny eventually knocking Billy down. Billy was almost unconcious. Johnny was nearing close to Jeffrey, "C'mon.. i thought you were Jeffrey... King of Random.. The Man Behind the Mayhem... not anymore, i guess! "Jeffrey quickly rolled away and picked up his sword:Masterwork Broadsword. They had a major sword duel. Billy was begining to regain conciousness about now. They were in Padres during this fight, so they eventually were fighting near the lava. Johnny said: "This is the end! I have the high ground! Theres no way you can win now!" Johnny lifted up his sword and fell. Billy was back, and he punched johnny in the side of his head. Jeffrey got up to help his brother, but Johnny was strong. Johnny did his signature sword swing, which stabbed Jeffrey. "NOOO!!!!!!!!!" said Billy. Billy was now as furious as ever. Billy and Johnny once again were punching. Billy fell again, and was about unconcious again. Johnny went over to finish Jeffrey. Johnny stabbed Jeffrey again, killing him. Billy saw it all. Billy had just enough energy to pull out his dagger. He got it and threw it at Johnny's body. "Bullseye." Said billy. Johnny became unconcious. Billy had enough energy to get up and walk over to Jeffrey and call for help. Jeffrey's Brother, Ned came. Ned concluded Jeffrey was dead. The carribean mourned.

The Funeral.

They burned his body, on his home island of Padres. More than 70 people attended the funeral fire.
