POTCO Players Wiki

This war will not end until wrongs have been righted. We are supposed to be welcome to all players of PotCO. And it'd be a lie to say this arguing does not keep us alive. We need Spaniards unbanned, this wiki needs to become the PotCO Players Wiki, not the British RolePlayers Wiki. Maybe the Spaniards post a lot of victory pages, but they're proud. Maybe they argue a lot, but we all argue.... they have a tougher, stronger kind of arguing than most of us. It's not bad, it's foreign. We've been to closed. I say: Open our doors! Pearson is right, we are becoming far too bias. I say: Down with this wall! We should be equal as players of Pirates Online, not inequal of roleplayers of two countries which only are mentioned in this game! Freiheit und Gleichheit!

  • All Spaniards are welcomed
  • Paradox Overlord is unbanned
  • Grace Redskull is unbanned
  • Unban the vandalizing contribs (first allow them to talk on their talk page, make sure they swear not to vandalize, then we'll unban them)
  • William Sharkskull is unbanned.

Support Support - -

  • John Breasly

Oppose Oppose - -
