POTCO Players Wiki

K, just stop. This if going on for year's now. Its making people leave the wiki, and most importanly this game. Half of the Admins would love to see Pears go, half of them dont mind them, but dont like there attitude, and its just bull. Pears has been gaining attention and convidence for that long is just madness. Just ignore him. ITs plain stupid. Elizabeth is just a puppet for Pears. I dont care what they have to say there just saying that, just for us to say more things. They like that, because that gives them more attention. Nobody started this. WE ALL DID. From Role-play starting, to us making one tiny comment. Its stressful to play on a game where im involved in role-play very little now, and looting and plundering, and see Pears just take over peoples attention. I don't like it, and nobody should either. Pears at first got the attention, and in like 08 im like ' Oh this is going to get banned, and were all pretty much going to forget about it " What is he like 12 - 16 now? Still wanting that much attention. Its annoying. Pears just cant stand not getting attention. By standing next to him with a Spanish hat, i can tell he loves attention, and you kinda laugh with him. Standing ahead of him with a Admiral hat, your just annoyed. Standing on the corner with a Bright bandana you just say ' Whatever ' XD

